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Showing posts from August, 2017

Determine your purpose

I took this photo on our honeymoon in Bellagio, Italy- overlooking the Swiss Alps Good morning and what a beautiful Thursday it is! I've written about purpose in the past, but it occurred to me that I need to speak about this topic again. Too many individuals are walking around and not living out their purpose. I completely understand that financial reasons often prevent individuals from not pursuing what makes them happy. Yet, I don't find this to be a good excuse to not live your dreams. From the bottom of my heart, I believe that God gives each of us special abilities/gifts that are unique to just us, and that none of our gifts are the same. However, one can not and should not be lazy with cultivating their gifts. You have to work hard in every way to nurture your gifts (just like watering a plant), and eventually it will come to life. I'll give you a personal example. I always knew that I wanted to be self employed. Since I was a little girl, I remember...