Happy Friday! It is so important for Everyone to have a self care plan. We all lead busy lives and can become inundated with the happenings of everyone around us. You should ask yourself, "Am I dedicating time to myself on a regular basis?" Many of us do not. Do you prioritize everyone and everything, except yourself? Are you neglecting yourself in any way? These are questions that I would like for you to begin to ask yourself. If you answered yes, to either question, it is time for you to formulate a self care regimen. You may be asking yourself, how do I begin a self care regimen, when there is just not enough time in the day? Remind yourself that there is always time in each day to do the things that you find most important, and "YOU" should absolutely be at the TOP of your list of priorities. So let me provide you with a few ideas that you can use. Self care ideas Take a nap when it is needed (20- 30 minutes is sufficient to restore your e...
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