Today as I was completing my morning devotional (spending time with God), I was drawn to the book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 1. Solomon begins the chapter by stating that "Everything in life is meaningless, completely meaningless" (NLT, Ecclesiastes 1:2). I immediately became deeply saddened, and I could not understand why. Maybe this is something that I had thought about before. As I began to reflect on this verse further, I was reminded that we all must get back to serving our TRUE PURPOSE on this earth. We can easily be distracted by trying to make money, juggle multiple jobs, etc. but life is meaningless without knowing what your purpose is. No matter how much we accomplish in this life, where is the meaning if it is not to serve God??
Today as you move through your day, I ask that you consider how you are leading a purpose filled life? Are you maximizing your potential by using the skills and abilities that God has planted within you? If not, what do you need to do to begin living a purposeful life? Consider these things, write them down, reflect on them, and pray for wisdom and guidance.
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