If you look around at the unhappy people that you know, do you see them enjoying their lives, NO!!! They are not enjoying their lives because they have chosen misery over happiness. They choose defeat over joy! They choose drama over being content. God has certainly given us free will, and we can choose to live our lives fully, partially, or not at all. One of the ways that I choose to live my life, is by looking straight ahead instead of over my shoulder at someone else's life with resentment for things I have not done or achieved. Whatever plans God has placed on your life is unique and created just for you. What you should not do is compare your life to anyone else, or feel hopeless because you are not doing the things that you want.
Most recently I made my way to my DREAM city- PARIS. I had been planning a trip to Paris for almost 5 years, but it was never the right time to leave. Finally the right time presented itself, and I was on the plane heading to my dream destination. It was the most amazing experience in my life, just visiting a country outside of my own, and being able to see sights that I have only read about.
Visiting Paris has been one of the best experiences that I have had in my life (thus far), and I was able to share it with my mom and fiancé. The moral of this story and the reason that I am writing today's blog is that I feel we often wait for validation from others before we do Anything, we look for the opinions of others to help us make decisions. You have to live your life for you! Don't wait for people, do what makes you happy. Don't live fearfully, fear will always stagnate you from growth, and this is one of the largest reasons people feel so extremely self defeated.
I am simply trying to convey this message to you- God designed you to be special. You are SPECIAL! You are more special than your feelings might allow you to feel. Today is your day to make your life count. Do something that makes you happy. Make a list of things that you want to do, and begin to actualize how you can achieve them.
My final message is- DON'T COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANYONE- YOU ARE UNIQUE and there is no one like you- no one can compare themselves to you and vice versa, because you are uniquely designed to be you.
Now go off and live your dreams- I will be doing the same-
Dr. L
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